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About Us

Jonesy is a singer/songwriter with an original repertoire. Writing songs from a young age was always her way to express herself in a turbulent and difficult youth. Being older and having found a way to cope with the past it was time to share her songs with others and bring them out into the world. Starting off solo and sometimes teaming up with Tis Marang on double bass, banjo and  guitar. In short, Jonesy Sings is about morphing creative collaborations together and sharing the output with you.

About The Music

More than being pop, rock, jazz, or blues, it’s about what kind of musical genre fits the song. Jonesy selects that musical style that best suits the song or lyric. In her music Jonesy uses a diversity of musical styles. This makes for an interesting evening where the diversity of repertoire will keep the listener captivated. No one song is alike. Many of her lyrics come from real life experience and are easily identifiable. She links her songs together with her typical dry dutch humour.